The economic recovery is, at best, tepid. To grow or maintain profits, organisations continue to seek ways to control costs and boost employee productivity. At the same time, the savvy organisation is looking for opportunities to boost revenue growth through innovation, best-in-class technologies, and process reengineering.
In addition, many organisations have little visibility into the total cost of printing and document processes. Print and document management policies, if any exist, are often ad hoc, without collaboration or coordination between disparate functions and business units. Paper and manual processes frequently bridge the gap between incompatible business systems.
One of the most effective ways for an organisation to evaluate current print and document processes, and progress to higher levels of maturity is in partnership with a managed print services (MPS) provider.
One way to achieve this is to develop or acquire new competencies related to both print and electronic document workflows. While MPS provides great value, it is also the perfect building block for adding a document management solution to optimise the workflow of documents that are created by these print devices.
A major benefit of a document management system is that it also handles all other document types your customers create or receive, including both paper and electronic documents.
According to Gartner, “Firms that actively manage their printer fleets can save up to 30% of printing costs.” And since print fleet costs anywhere from one to three percent of an organisation’s revenue, that’s a significant amount of savings. MPS consolidates all of your devices and solutions into a single comprehensive contract, and implementing a streamlined printing infrastructure tailored to meet your business’ needs.
Today IT managers must develop a holistic understanding of their organisation’s current status in terms of print and document management and a road map to effectively leverage new technologies and business models consistent with company strategy and culture.
At Collate Business Services, we believe a method of assessing print and document management maturity is needed as a planning tool. This will determine an organisation’s progress in adopting print and document management tactics, and define short and long term objectives.
If you are already benefiting from MPS in your business and would like to find out how you can complement this – and take your document management efforts to the next level with a bespoke document management solution, contact us NOW.