Document Management Software

Gain new levels of efficiency, control and transparency in your business with digital document management software.

What is Document Management Software?

Document management software is the main element of enterprise content manage, which in turn allows your business to:

  • Electronically store, search and retrieve documents from one central location
  • Access files from anywhere, instantly. On a mobile device or computer
  • Critical data can be automatically indexed, improving search capabilities
  • Powerful workflows allow business processes to be automated
  • Integrate with multiple IT systems, including CRM and ERP
  • The highest levels of security are achieved, and your critical documents controlled

How can a Document Management System help your business?

Poorly managed information can hold a company back. The average employee spends 30-40% of their time looking through paper documents, emails, shared hard disks and filing cabinets trying to find information they need to complete their work tasks.

Forward-looking companies realise this time could be better spent in making a company more competitive, by turning to digital documents and enterprise content management to gain an edge in the global marketplace.

  1. Greater efficiency and productivity – give your employees streamlined access to business documents and provide for a smooth and rapid information flow. Instead of searching for documents, your staff is free to focus on higher-level tasks and making good decisions to boost your bottom line
  2. Lower costs for document storage and supplies – creating and storing paper documents is expensive! Switching to digital document management software delivers real savings on document storage, as well as copying, printing, shipping and personnel
  3. Robust data security and automated compliance – control access to sensitive information and enforce security measures with a document management system. Automating your financial records management and retention process will assist in ensuring compliance with regulations
  4. Business continuity – business operation can continue even in the event of a fire or flood. Documents can be easily replicated and stored off-line or in the cloud, to set-up the perfect disaster recovery solution

Document management software Demo

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