Reduce Business Costs with Managed Print Services

Icon of Collate Managed Print ServicesRising costs in virtually every area of the business challenge executives to find ways to reduce overhead without harming productivity.

Managed Print Services, or an MPS solution, will cut an immediate 30% from your printing costs. See our MPS Guarantee. 

Once implemented, department heads will have accurate information through web based reporting of fleet & users, allocating costs to appropriate department, coupled with a client billing tool to recover yet more revenue.

One hidden benefit is that you now only pay one monthly invoice from one supplier, greatly reducing the work of your accounts department.

If you’re printing less, then you’re buying, storing and using less paper in each stage of the document life-cycle through your business. You’re trimming cost.

With Collate’s Managed Print Services you will have visibility of your organisation’s total print costs and the ability to control and reduce these.

As well as saving money, Managed Print Services can increase productivity, enabling you to add to the bottom line at the same time.

FREE Print Audit

    Why use MPS?

    • Office printing consumes 1-3% of annual company revenues according to a Gartner Group report
    • The average office worker consumes 10,000 pages per year.  That is the equivalent of 60% of a tree
    • Printers are some of the biggest consumers of electricity in the office
    • The average desktop printer cartridge is disposed of with 17% of the toner remaining
    • Typically organisations buy cheap desktop printers. This can be the single most expensive way of laying print on a piece of paper

    Key Cost Savings to Reduce Business Costs

    To discover what you could save, contact Collate to complete a Free Print Audit.  Typically, however, the main savings will be…

    Reduced admin overheads:

    • Fewer invoices for accounts
    • No toner stock checking required
    • No re-orders required

    Reduced printing costs:

    • The most cost effective printers are set as default devices
    • Default settings amended for the most efficient printing
    • Reduced capital expenditure requirement

    Get in contact with Collate today to get your Free Print Audit to see how much you can save with a Managed Print Services solution.
