Our ECM guarantee

ECM Guarantee

We are dedicated to helping you in your desire to improve customer service and cut costs.  

Our Enterprise Content Management software reduces costs and improves employee productivity by an average of 33% over the first 12 months.

The Collate ECM Guarantee:

  • To provide a bespoke ECM demo tailored specifically to your business requirements
  • Following this demo, agree a savings target to be achieved by implementing an ECM system into your business

We can guarantee the savings that we initially agree with you following your demo and initial consultation. This guarantee will be written into any agreement between us.

Not only that, in the highly unlikely event that those agreed savings aren’t achieved, we 100% guarantee to reimburse in full any shortfall.

Full terms and conditions

ECM Demo

    Online demos are held daily between 10am and 5.30pm.

    Complete the form and we will contact you to arrange a suitable time for your FREE ECM online demo.
